Monday, July 25, 2005

Introduction. (0)  Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Il était une fois ... fin de l'histoire ! C'est à partir de ce moment, je pense, que nos regards se sont intéressés l'un à l'autre. Aucun autre humain ne m'avait auparavant suscité autant d'intérêt et de désir que toi WWM, et rien n'y laissait présager. Unique, excentrique, romantique, sympathique, mais également charmant, passionnant, attachant, enivrant, sont les qualifications qui ressortent lorsque je pense à ton nom. Je n'ai incontestablement pas ce don littéraire me permettant de te fournir une description qui te convienne, et bienheureux celui ou celle qui y parviendrait, car il est irréfutable que tu es quelqu'un d' inoubliable. Nonobstant je ne souhaite pas vraiment t'oublier, et espère que ton être continueras longtemps à m'habiter.

"the greatest thing you will ever learn is how to love, and to be loved in returns" (from a famous american movie)


Une personne qui restera discrète pour toi, afin d'apparaître un jour dans tes pas...

Inch halla

7:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been quite obsessed all day trying to find what disturbs me in this quote...
Actually, there is a (big) mistake as the true words are:
"the greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return".

I don't know if you manage to get it but I DO think there IS a difference. Even if, finally, I agree with you.

I've loved so much in my short life (and I keep falling in love with so many) with all my heart, desperately, with all the passion and the fury of my youth, without thinking, without meaning...
Don't misunderstand me, it was not a selfish thing (well maybe a bit), it was not just to BE in love (or to think that I was in love) and then get all the bliss from that idea. NO. It was a huge and painfull feeling/force that made me not able to do anything else apart from giving all (all I can, all myself... I know, I might be a bit too melodramatic, but I love that) to the person I was in love with.

Well I just wanted to make this point: the mistake in the quote made me realise that during all these years I've JUST LOVED... BUT, I still don't know HOW TO LOVE.

7:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Le AllmightyWWM ne fait pas que prendre le train, il peut aussi brailler bruyamment sur les parvis pavoisants de nos charismatiques cathédrales :oD


5:30 pm  

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